Monday, March 27, 2006

Angry letter

Here's a copy of my email to ITV over the programme 'It's My LIfe' hosted by the irreplaceable Terry Christian...

I am sat watching this 'debate' programme with a mix of horror, awe and outrage. The subject of 'Religion and Tolerance' is bitterly ironic as it contains a horribly simple view of one and a remarkable lack of the other.

While I fully understand the right to freedom of expression and the importance of public debate, this programme is nothing but thinly veiled racism, intended to polerise two religious groups. The taunting of Muslim guests with common misconceptions and slurs by host Terry Christian is unacceptable.

Mr Christian may have the right to an opinion, and I understand that his personality is a large part of the show, but his jokes at outdated stereotypes, his constant interrupting and supposed moral outrage at subjects and facts he himself brought up is morally reprehensible. His provocation with loaded questions and ill-informed opinion is professionally disgraceful.

He purports to offer debate, but in truth he is simply stifling serious conversation and causing rifts between religious and social groups. The only voice of reason came from a Church of England Reverend who was shouted down within a minute with a question intended to cause controversy...

As I have been writing this I have heard comments and jokes from Mr Christian about priests with hooks, chopping off hands, abused Muslim women, the middle ages and homosexuality. His constant and persistant silencing of any guest who attempts to offer a reasoned debate betrays his ignorance and lack of professionism. He reminded me of Alan Partridge who, I might remind you, is a parody.

The maybe nothing legally wrong with this tabloid form of provocation, but I would hope that as broadcasters you would at least consider the societal impact of this sort of programme. Constant misrepresentation and the incessant promotion of misunderstanding is incredible irresponsible in this world, and this show is doing no good whatsoever.

For the record, I hold no religious beliefs, belong to no political party and find subjects such as those featured in this programme to be larger and more complex than a black and white issue. ITV should be ashamed of this programme.

David Holloway.

currently listening to: the sound of popcorn being popped

1 comment:

Roaming Rhonda said...

I enjoyed reading your blog, thanks