Sunday, November 12, 2006

Heroic cross-platform marketing

Series 1, episode 7 of the new hit NBC show Heroes

Claire is an invincible cheerleader who cannot die, her brother has just stolen a tape that proves her aformentioned invincibility and has locked himself in a car so she can't get it back. With her friend Zack she tries to coax him out the car.

Claire: Give it me back.
Brother: No! I'm gonna put this on YouTube and make like a million bucks.
Zack: YouTube is free you idiot!

I don't know if you know much about Heroes, but much of its success has been attributed to the teaser trailer they put on, you've guessed it, YouTube.

Nice to see them returning the favour, and mentioning that it's free as well...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and you know what, they probably brokered the deal before they even wrote the script.

amazing how these things work.