Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Been a long time (shouldn't have left you)

Hmmm. My erstwhile mutterings have slowed down of late. I'd apologise, but I'm not that sort of guy - sorry.

I have been overly preoccupied with my photo blog recently, which is alot of fun but also an easy way of updating without actually trying. I always liked taking pictures, and I wasn't too bad at it either, but I think I need to try something new... I just checked out the 65daysofstatic blog and they have some new snaps up that kinda put my shots of them to shame.

I just got back from the Big Chill festival - my good friend Andy from Digitonal was playing and very kindly threw a complimentary ticket my way. He also very kindly sorted me out when, on the first night, someone came into my tent while I was sleeping and stole all my money.

At least they left the camera, huh?

The Big Chill is an odd festival... it's like the entire readership of the Guardian having a large picnic together. Families, hippies, media-types, liberals and artists all come together once a year to listen to world music and be polite to each other. Luckily, this is exactly what I like. After years of attending the corporate behemoths that is Reading/Leeds and feeling threatened by the tweenagers getting drunk for the first time, the Big Chill is a really nice alternative.

These days I enjoy sitting in a field drinking my body weight in rum, listening to music and talking to friends. The days of drugs and dancing are way behind me now... and I'm kind of thankful for that. I enjoy buying into the Big Chill spirit for a while, knowing that I'm not the only one; I like that everyone is nice to each other, that we all clean up our rubbish at the end, that you can do what you like without feeling scorn or riddicule. Y'know, all those things that we should do in real life.

After doing Truckfest and Glade in the last few weeks I was quite tired of festivals and slightly reluctant to go - I certainly couldn't be doing with anymore sleepless nights in a tent. The moment I got there though - and it should be pointed out that the Big Chill takes place amongst the most spectacular rolling hills - it all fell back into place, and I was home.

You can see the photos over at the, yup you guessed it, Day of the Dave photo blog.

currently listening to: Righteous Brothers - Unchained Melody

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