No smoking signs in places that were formally smoking places. I have no problem with that.
No smoking signs in places where people wouldn't consider smoking anyway. Slight overkill.
I mean, what gleefully gloating asshole goes around putting up signs in greengrocers and doctors surgerys informing the world that they can't smoke in there? No shit, Sherlock. Smokers may be stubborn creatures but they understand the do's and don'ts of their habit... everyone knows you don't smoke in a creche, but the cackling moral majority have still felt obliged to put warning signs up in every potential place; common sense be damned!
I imagine armies of concerned (read: bored) mothers doing the happy dance through town, liberally slapping up signs on every building and flicking V's at anybody who looks like they might have once smoked. "Can't smoke here, or here, or here, or here... ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaa!"
Like I say, I have no problem with the smoking ban - I think it's a good idea - but any impression that it is an understanding reached between the smoking and no smoking factions of modern society has been ruined by the fascistic enforcement of the ban. And this being England, the only way we know how to fascisticly enforce rules is by stickers. Lots and lots of stickers.
These people take the fun out of everything.
1 comment:
I was staggered to discover just how many places you couldn't smoke in. Did you know that you can't smoke in Tesco's? I'm glad they stuck that big sign up on July 1st because there was me just about to light up. And thank God they warned me with a big sticker that the kitchen utensils shop down our road was a no smoking area - the pipe was literally millimetres from my lips when I spotted it.
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