Then they went and won the Channel 4 Public Art competition and the idea looked like it might just actually happen - especially when Antony Gormley, the artist behind the Angel of the North, backed them. This could be an amazing thing to happen to Sheffield, one that could cement our reputation as a leading artistic city and help shift the public impression of us beyond just Meadowhall and a dead steel industry.
But now they've hit a problem. Eon, the company who owns the Towers, have suddenly decided that they want to destroy them - something not even considered before this idea was mooted - and the Sheffield City Council, in another act of selling out the populace, have stated that the area is prime for retail regeneration. The last thing Sheffield needs is another large Meadowhall to squeeze more soul out of this city.
We need your help.
Please read the email below and help us out in anyway you can. It's desperately important that you sign the petition.
This is Sheffield calling. Our city needs your help.
We've had an idea to change the way the world sees Sheffield. To make our city better. It's a project called Cooling The Towers. But it's all under threat. Please take five minutes to read this email. Then forward it to everyone else.
This is the best idea Sheffield ever had.
Cooling the Towers
There are two cooling towers on the edge of Sheffield, next to Meadowhall and the M1.
Currently they mean grey, industrial, Full Monty. Sheffield is over.
We want to turn them into massive works of public art that mean what Sheffield is now: green, creative and different. And amazing.
We've been working on this for two years and from running an initial competition for ideas in our fanzine GO ( ), we're now working with Channel 4 as one of the winners of their Big Art Project ( Channel 4 love the idea, and have applied for funding to make it a reality. This is possible. We're almost there.
BUT there's a baddy in the story. They're a big baddy. The owners of the site are called Eon. They own Powergen. After four months of negotiations, and all our arguments for why this is a good idea (which you can find on our website) they've decided to knock the towers down and build another industrial shed.
Sheffield wins again.
We think this is too good an idea and too good a chance for Sheffield to just give up, and let them have their way. Knocking these towers down will be a tragedy.
So we need your help.
What if you're not from Sheffield? This still affects you. It's just another example of A Big Corporation with no brains doing what they want and ignoring people like you and me. We're not luddites and we're not revolutionaries. We've just got a good idea and they're not interested in listening. Who decides how our cities develop, what they mean? Us or them?
Someone's already set a petition up. You can see how strongly people feel. Sign it here
We're working on a proper website, but for now this is the digital HQ. This is where you'll information and updates. Be our friend. Get your friends to be our friends.
Tell them why they're wrong. For some sample text, click here. Email the chief exec here: That's Dr Paul Golby to you. Evidently he's not got a doctorate in Doing The Right Thing. It only takes five minutes. Do it now.
If you're a customer, tell them you'll change power suppliers if the towers are knocked down. In fact, just do it now. Why not go a bit greener? Eon produce more CO2 every year than the whole of Croatia. Change to Ecotricity
We're going to create a photographic petition. As well as a list of names, we want to actually show the world how many people support these towers and this project. So if you do, take a picture of yourself, or the towers, or of you holding the phrase 'THE TOWERS ARE OURS' and send it to us with your name and location. We'll put it on the website. And tell your friends to do it too. Send it here
We love this city so much. We're not going to sit back and watch it lose out again. We're tired of Sheffield being the loser. We want people across the world to know what this city means, realise how brilliant it is.
We don't want another toys r us.
Please help us.
Love from
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