This is a man who cannot be sued for liable or defamation of character because you would have to prove he knew he was lying, and with O'Reilly it verges on pathological.
If you don't know who he is, his website is here and he looks like this:
The references to Jeremy Glick can be understood by watching this. Also amazing.
I've been a subscriber to his weekly e-letter for several years now, and it's brilliant. It's not only informed about American news, it's also an insight into the ravings of an ultra right-wing loudmouth and a great example of how to hide the fact you're an ultra right-wing loudmouth. I've resisted posting his emails before, but this new personal message is too good not to share.
I'd like you to read it, consider the argument, then read it again. Then consider he's the highest-rated broadcaster on Fox News. Then read it again. It's amazing!
The Attack of the
Nothing stands in the way of their belief system. Not facts, not provable truth.
By Bill O'Reilly.
Are you a hyper-partisan? If so, stop it right now. These people are damaging America and I'm calling them out.
First, a definition: A hyper-partisan is a person who does not seek the truth; rather, he or she tailors information to fit a preconceived political viewpoint. What is actually happening in the world is not important to these ideological zombies; it's all about reinforcing their core beliefs.
Thus, no matter what President Bush does for example, he's wrong. There is absolutely nothing the man can do that would please the hyper-partisans who oppose him. On the opposite ideological page, Bill and Hillary Clinton are Satan's spawn. They are evil all day, every day.
How boring is this? If it were just a few Kool-Aid drinking nuts, no one would care. But now you have entire media outlets that have gone hyper-partisan. Newspapers like The Boston Globe and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution are just about entirely left wing. Yes, their circulations are in a freefall, but no journalistic enterprise should be hyper-partisan.
----------------------------Brilliant! And this in the week that Fox launch their new religious brand, FoxFaith.
The world is going insane. Doublespeak doublespeak doublespeak.
UPDATE: Bill O'Reilly lies about being on an Al Qaeda 'deathlist'
I love this fucking guy...!
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