Sunday, June 11, 2006


The names have been changed to protect the innocent.

My friend, who works in a pub, found something interesting whilst cleaning up last night; a bag of crack. It had been carelessly left on a table in the backroom, weighed, separated, bagged and left in plain view for all to see, and with no-one in the area willing to claim it as their own.

This can mean only one thing: that someone, right now, in the middle of Sheffield, is absolutely, totally, utterly, losing it. They have not only left their own supply, but also the supply of a lot of other people (it was ALOT of crack) and they know where it is - they just can't go get it because they would expose themselves. They are very unpopular right now and panicking like never before and there is nothing they can do about it.

I find this fascinating... this knowledge. There may be a million stories in the naked city, but this is a really good one.

currently listening to: mutterings

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